The question I am asked most often is: "Why did you choose the name Black Market Motors for your shop? It sounds sinister...like it's a place you shouldn't be..." My usual answer is: "You are right...it is a place you shouldn't be, so take a hike and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." I say that because people who have to ask that question will never get it, so why take the time explaining it?

Builders of performance vehicles were once treated as outlaws-deviants who preferred to spend their days tucked in engine compartments, inventing new ways to increase horsepower and speed. They were a misunderstood few who chose to follow their inner-calling, rising and falling each day with dreams of performance. They were proud of their ability to design, build and race their own vehicles, and honed their skills in the black markets and underground forums of America-places where they were revered for their talents.

Today, these men have been obscured by builders who prefer to spend the majority of time concentrating their focus on form, to the detriment of function. You have seen their work. They believe the quality of a vehicle is measured by the amount of chrome under its hood and the size of its rims. They will never see what we see.

Black Market Motors was my reaction to these influences that I believe threaten the very foundation of true performance vehicle fabrication. Welcome to my symphony. It's a place for the outlaws, the miscreants and misunderstood builders of yore. Welcome to the glory days. Where Black Market Motors regin king!
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